
Mind-Body Connection Yoga
Mar 11 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

*On break for December 2023*

Sign the release waiver to attend our Monthly Mind-Body Connection Yoga and receive the Zoom information here.

The 2nd and 4th Monday of each Month *Check your Timezone

4-5pm Pacific Time

5-6pm Mountain Time

6-7pm Central Time

7-8pm Eastern Time


Monthly Connections – Caregiver Skills
Mar 12 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

2nd Tuesday of every month at 12PM MT

Are you a caregiver that is looking for skills and seeking support to help navigate your loved one’s eating disorder recovery and build more connection?

You are not alone. Join other caregivers once a month to share experiences and learn new strategies. This free group will address how to manage distress during and after mealtimes, what to say when your loved one says “I’m fat,” how to set firm limits while remaining empathic and, how to build a practice of self-compassion.

These discussions are virtual. Please register using the form here.

Weather Closure
Mar 14 all-day

The EDF office will be closed Thursday, March 14th, due to weather. Barring power outages, all virtual services will continue as scheduled, and staff will remain available by phone and e-mail.

Adolescent Monthly Connections
Mar 14 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Every Second Thursday of the month, 5PM MT.

This Monthly Connection is for ages 13-17, addressing body image, self-worth, social media impact, self-care and more. All genders welcome.

This group is virtual.  To register, a parent or guardian of the adolescent seeking support must contact us via phone or e-mail (303-322-3373 or

Monthly Connections – Binge Behaviors
Mar 18 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

3rd Monday of every month at 4PM MT

Are you an individual over 18 experiencing binge eating, compulsive eating, or other related behaviors? Are you seeking connections and skills in your recovery?

You are not alone. Join us once a month to share experiences, learn new strategies. and to explore and discuss different topics and themes. No diagnosis is required.

These discussions are virtual. Please register using the form here.

Individual Mentorship Applications Accepted
Mar 21 – Mar 26 all-day

We know you because we’ve been you

Are you seeking support from someone who understands what you are going through?  Through EDF’s mentorship program, we will match you with a mentor who has walked the path and understands the complexity of the recovery journey. This 10-week program will provide one-on-one support during weekly connections.  We strongly believe in the power of connection, meaningful conversations, and creating a community of like-minded individuals – factors we attribute to living a life in/towards recovery. We welcome individuals 16+ from all states in the US. Pairs may meet virtually or in person.

We at EDF are absolutely blown away by the massive interest in our blossoming mentorship program. We have received an unprecedented number of applications from members of the community who want to pursue recovery with us.

Please note that this program has a limited number of available mentors, so there is no guarantee you will be paired.  Mentee applicants not accepted this round may re-apply next quarter. You must be at least 16 years of age and a resident of the United States to apply.


How do I apply? 

Submit your application by December 12th

Please take a minute to read three important points before submitting your application:

1. Mentee applications will be available from today through Tuesday, December 12th. Please take your time to fill out your application. The more details you give us, the better we get to know you! Please refrain from providing one line answers.

2. Due to the high demand for this program, applications will only be accepted between today and December 12th. If you submit your application after these dates, it will not be reviewed.

3. This program has a limited number of available mentors, so there is no guarantee that you will be paired.  Mentee applicants not accepted this round may be encouraged to re-apply next quarter.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Select the form below and return via email by December 12th to EDF Staff:

Mentee Application

  • If your application is not approved for this quarter, an EDF staff member will contact you to discuss how we can continue to support your journey.
  • If your application is approved to the next step. You will receive an email to set up an application review so we can get to know you better.

To learn more about this program, contact us at

For help finding professional support, or if you are in need of some extra resources, please feel free to call us at 303.322.3373 or email

Want to become a mentor instead?  Read more here.

Mind-Body Connection Yoga
Mar 25 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

*On break for December 2023*

Sign the release waiver to attend our Monthly Mind-Body Connection Yoga and receive the Zoom information here.

The 2nd and 4th Monday of each Month *Check your Timezone

4-5pm Pacific Time

5-6pm Mountain Time

6-7pm Central Time

7-8pm Eastern Time


Monthly Connections – Neurodivergent Folx
Mar 27 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Last Wednesday of every month at 4PM MT

If you are 18+, identify as neurodivergent, and are seeking connection amongst the eating disorder community, please join us! No diagnosis is required or requested. We will meet on the last Wednesday of each month to explore and discuss different topics and themes regarding being neurodivergent and in recovery.

These discussions are virtual. Please register using the form here.

Monthly Connections – Health Professionals in Eating Disorder Recovery
Mar 29 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Last Friday of every month at 9AM MT

Join The Eating Disorder Foundation on the last Friday of each month for focused discussions on themes regarding balancing recovery while holding a professional identity. This monthly connection intends to provide a confidential and trusting fellowship amongst professionals in the caring professions including doctors, nurses, school counselors, therapists, nutritionists, social workers, coaches & others.

These discussions are virtual. Please register using the form here.

Confident Caregiving Retreat
Apr 5 – Apr 6 all-day

Confident Caregiving Retreat

Get the tools you need and the support you deserve so you can start feeling more calm, confident and connected while supporting a loved one.

What can you expect from the EFFT 2-Day Caregiver Retreat?

By the end of the 2-Day Retreat, you will have the tools you need to:

  • Respond more effectively to your own emotional reactions to your loved one
  • Stay more calm and grounded in moments of crisis
  • Feel confident navigating the most difficult conversations with your loved one
  • Better connect to your loved one despite the struggles

Get the tools you need and the support you deserve in this 2-Day Retreat so you can start feeling more calm, confident and connected, both to your loved one and the Caregiver you want to be.

Space will be limited to keep the retreat intimate.

What is Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT)?

Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) is an evidence-based therapeutic approach that centers on working with caregivers- parents, spouses, friends, family members- to support a loved one that is suffering with a mental health issue.

At the heart of EFFT is the belief in the superpower that is the connection between a caregiver and their loved one and the use of specific, concrete tools to leverage that neurobiological connection for better outcomes, both for the person struggling and those that love them.

Backed by science and rooted in love, EFFT answers the question “but what can I do to help when my loved one struggles?”. Caregivers are one of- if not the- most important part of any individual’s treatment team and EFFT gets Caregivers the skills and support they both need and deserve to be as powerful and effective as possible in their support of their loved one.

For more information, please see:

9am-4pm each day

In-person (local and out-of-state participants welcome)

Cost: $500 for one Caregiver; $250 for any additional Caregivers

If you prefer to pay via check, please contact us at 303-322-3373 or

For reminders about these events and others, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our home page

For questions about this event, contact us at 303-322-3373 or

Is this retreat for me?

If you have come across this retreat, we can imagine that you are desperate to help your loved one. You are standing by, watching, as they do battle with their mental health issues- anxiety, depression, eating disorders- and you feel like your hands are tied. You want to help, but you are terrified of saying or doing the wrong thing and making it worse. No one should have to feel this way. You sense you could help- you love them after all- if you only knew how.

Using the skills we will cover in this 2-Day retreat, we have helped hundreds of Caregivers regain their sense of confidence in supporting their loved one- of any age- with any mental health issue.

If you want more tools on how to help your loved one on a path toward mental wellness, this is an invaluable resource. These skills will take you from stress and conflict to calm and connection with your loved one.

Research has shown this exact 2-Day Retreat leads to:

  • a decrease in Caregiver’s fear and self-blame
  • an increase in confidence in supporting your loved one
  • significant improvement in the loved one’s symptoms.

Yes. A workshop YOU take can help significantly reduce your loved one’s symptoms. You knew you could help and you were right, you just need the right tools.


  • 2-Days from 9 am-4 pm with an hour break for lunch each day and breaks throughout the day
  • in-person
  • Enrollment will be limited to provide the maximum amount of 1:1 support throughout the workshop and chance to connect with one another
  • This workshop will fill up, so register soon!

In the 2-Days, we will cover

  • Caregiver Blocks (how to manage the fears and feelings that can get in the way of showing up how we want to for our loved ones)
  • Emotion Coaching (what to say in tough conversations)
  • Behavior Coaching (how to help your loved one stop doing things that are hurting them and move toward better coping skills)
  • Therapeutic Apology (a powerful intervention to help address your loved one’s blame towards you or your own self-blame).

If you aren’t convinced that YOU doing a workshop can actually help your loved one, check out this video: “Why We Want You” on the Power of Parents and Caregivers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is this retreat for?

This retreat uses Emotion-Focused Family Therapy. EFFT is a promising way to train caregivers in the support of their loved one’s recovery from an eating disorder. This evidence-based model empowers parents and caregivers; it is a lifespan approach that can be delivered for people of any age who are impacted by an eating disorder. Whether you’re supporting the recovery of a young child or an adult, you might find these skills tremendously useful. This is also great for any kind of caregiver – parents, grandparents, foster parents and more are welcome.

The population reaching out for any of our services is large and diverse, and we know the same will be true for this retreat. We welcome folks of all genders, races, sexual identities, sizes, religions, abilities, incomes, etc. to sign up. You do not need to be a member of EDF’s other programs to join.

My child has never been diagnosed with an eating disorder; can I still attend?

We recognize that disordered eating and body image lie on a spectrum that may not escalate to a clinical diagnosis, and that clinical support and diagnosis are not accessible to everyone. Our services are open to folks in all stages of recovery, and do not require a diagnosis or treatment in order to become part of our community. That includes our Family & Friends programs too! Our programs also encompass diverse identities and levels of experience. No matter your loved one’s particular struggle, if you think you could benefit from caregiver skills, we’d love to have you.

I don’t live in Denver, can I still come?

Yes! You do not need to be local to attend; folks from all over are welcome to join us! You are responsible for your own travel and accommodations, and must make sufficient arrangements to be present at EDF by 9AM on April 5th.

Is food provided?

Lunch will be provided on both days of the retreat.

You are responsible for your own breakfast and dinner. Participants are welcome to make arrangements to get together and enjoy some of the food our lovely city has to offer.

Where is the retreat located?

Retreat activities will take place at our office, located at 1901 E 20th Ave, Denver, CO 80205. A Place of Our Own is a two-story revamped building that houses EDF’s support and education programs. Designed to be free-flowing and secure, the building also serves as headquarters for our staff and volunteers, and is surrounded by a spacious and inviting garden that’s open to visitors most of the year.

What should I bring? How should I prepare?

We always suggest arriving a few minutes early your first time here, so we can give you a tour of the facility and answer any questions you might have. You may park in our small parking lot in the alley, or you may use street parking. Please bring a notebook and pen. You are welcome to bring a blanket, water bottle, doodle pad, fidget toy, or whatever you need to feel comfortable.

Masks are encouraged but not required. Please practice social distancing and remain home if you are feeling unwell. If you are feeling sick or have concerns about getting sick, please consider our virtual support groups or phone availability as alternatives to in-person services.

What is the schedule?

You should plan to be at 1901 E 20th Ave by 9AM each day. There will be one lunch break per day, plus snack breaks. Activities will run until about 4-5PM, at which point you are free to relax, explore the city, or socialize with other attendees.

Do I have to pay by card? Can I pay with a check?

I f you prefer to pay via check, please contact us at 303-322-3373 or

Are spots limited?

To make this experience as comfortable and supportive as possible, this retreat is limited to approximately 20 participants. Spots are offered on a first-come-first-served basis. If spots are sold out, please feel free to sign up for the waitlist.

What is your cancellation policy?

If you are not able to make it, please let us know as soon as possible, no later than two weeks prior to the retreat, so that your spot can be made available to someone on the waitlist. We will refund your ticket, fees excluded, on a case-by-case basis. We cannot guarantee a refund if you cancel within two weeks of the retreat date.

What is not included?

Retreat tickets do not include long distance or local transportation, lodging, breakfast, dinner, travel insurance, or additional activities outside of scheduled retreat hours.

Retreat Agenda:

Friday, April 5th: Day 1:

9 am: Introductions and Goal Setting

9:30 am: What causes eating disorders?

10:00 am: The WHY of Caregiver Involvement

10:30: Caregiver Blocks: WHAT Makes this Hard and How to Get Through it


1 pm: Emotion Coaching 101: What to SAY When Your Loved One Struggles

· Feelings 101

· How to Become an Emotion Coach

· Script Building and Breakout Groups

4-4:30 pm: Q and A (Optional)

Saturday, April 6th: Day 2:

9 am: Homework Review

9:30: Emotion Coaching 201: Your Loved One’s Biggest Struggles

· Self-Blame

· Hopelessness

· Anger

· Shut Down/Silent

· Breakout Groups

12 pm: Lunch Break

1 pm: Therapeutic Apology

3 pm: Behavior Coaching

3:30 pm: Wrap-up and Goal Setting

4-4:30 pm: Q and A (Optional)

Meet the lead facilitator

Bryn Miller, LPC, CEDS-C, Certified Advanced Therapist in Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT)

Bryn Miller is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Colorado, a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Supervisor and an Certified Advanced Therapist in Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT). She is also runs the Monthly Connection Caregiver Skills Group through The Eating Disorder Foundation.

With nearly a decade working with adolescents and young adults with eating disorders alongside their parents and caregivers at every level of care, Bryn is passionate about supporting both individuals and their support teams to explore and heal their relationships with food and their bodies. Bryn approaches her work, both with individuals and their loved ones, with the goal of whole family healing.

In service of the mission to better support caregivers and inspired by EFFT, Bryn founded Bryn Miller Parent Coaching and developed her signature 5-Step Parent Coaching Program, The Response Roadmap. Through live groups and her on-demand course, Bryn empowers parents to access their sense of calm and confidence to better connect to their children and the parents they want to be, regardless of the struggles.

When Bryn is not working, she is writing, meditating, embarrassing herself in a hip-hop dance class and trying (largely unsuccessfully) to keep up with her own two small children.

Retreat Resources


Denver International Airport

Retreat Location:

The Eating Disorder Foundation: 1901 E. 20th Ave. Denver, CO 80205


  • Double Tree by Hilton Denver Central Park ⭐⭐⭐
  • Hilton Garden Inn Denver/Cherry Creek ⭐⭐⭐
  • Moxy Denver Cherry Creek ⭐⭐⭐
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Denver Stapleton ⭐⭐
  • Renaissance Denver Central Park Hotel ⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Double Tree by Hilton Denver Cherry Creek ⭐⭐⭐
  • Airbnb / VRBO

Neighborhoods to look at:

  • City Park West
  • Cherry Creek
  • Central Park
  • Park Hill

Fun things to do:

  • Denver Botanic Gardens
  • Denver Zoo
  • Denver Museum of Nature and Science
  • Meow Wolf
  • Museo de las Americas free day April 5
  • First Friday Art Walk on Santa Fe


  • Onefold
  • Syrup City Park
  • Olive and Finch
  • Stanley Marketplace (many restaurant options)
  • The Weathervane Café
  • Chada Thai
  • Machete Tequila & Tacos (Colfax location / Cherry Creek location)
  • Denver Biscuit Company
  • White Pie
  • Watercourse Foods (vegan food)


Rideshare Apps: Uber, Lyft

Denver International Airport Transportation Information(Information about commuter trains, car share services, charter buses, hotel shuttles, limousines, public bus service, ride app share, shared-ride services and taxicabs)

Bus Stops Near EDF:

EDF is marked with the blue dot on the map below.

Bus Stops nearby are:

18th Ave & High Street, York St & 21st Ave, 18th Ave & York St, York St & 21st Ave, 18th Ave & Franklin St, 17th Ave & Race St

The mission of The Eating Disorder Foundation is to be an effective resource in the prevention and elimination of eating disorders through education, support, and advocacy. Learn more about us at