3rd Monday of every month at 4PM MT
Are you an individual over 18 experiencing binge eating, compulsive eating, or other related behaviors? Are you seeking connections and skills in your recovery?
You are not alone. Join us once a month to share experiences, learn new strategies. and to explore and discuss different topics and themes. No diagnosis is required.
These discussions are virtual. Please register using the form here.
In-Person Garden Circle for Individuals 18+ Struggling with an Eating Disorder
This support group is ideal for individuals at least 18 years old who are struggling or in recovery from an eating disorder, disordered eating, or body image concerns.
2nd and 4th Saturdays 10-11 AM
May – August
This group meets outdoors. Please come prepared.
Please register using the form here.
Last Wednesday of every month at 4PM MT
If you are 18+, identify as neurodivergent, and are seeking connection amongst the eating disorder community, please join us! No diagnosis is required or requested. We will meet on the last Wednesday of each month to explore and discuss different topics and themes regarding being neurodivergent and in recovery.
These discussions are virtual. Please register using the form here.
The Response Roadmap: 5-Steps to Navigate Tough Conversations with Your Loved One with Calm, Confidence and Connection
Thursday, September 7th at 5 pm MST
With Bryn Miller, LPC, CEDS-S, Certified Advanced Therapist Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT)
When your loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, it is only natural to feel lost. And when we are lost, what we need is a map. This interactive workshop will introduce you to The Response Roadmap, a unique 5-Step framework that will give you concrete tools to manage moments of conflict and crisis with more calm and confidence, so you can connect, both to your loved one and who you want to be for them, even in the hardest moments. This work is appropriate for parents and caregivers with loved ones of any age and any eating disorder or mental health diagnosis.
2nd Tuesday of every month at 12PM MT
Are you a caregiver that is looking for skills and seeking support to help navigate your loved one’s eating disorder recovery and build more connection?
You are not alone. Join other caregivers once a month to share experiences and learn new strategies. This free group will address how to manage distress during and after mealtimes, what to say when your loved one says “I’m fat,” how to set firm limits while remaining empathic and, how to build a practice of self-compassion.
These discussions are virtual. Please register using the form here.